Wednesday, April 13, 2011


On Monday, I went running at 1 in the afternoon. I was about 1/2 mile into my run, on a main road when I saw a silver convertible approaching. As he drove by, I looked over and saw that he had a camera up and was taking a picture...of me. Weird huh? Kind of freaked me out. My husband asked if I got his license plate number. Nope. Didn't think about it. I do think that I am going to change my route up even more well as changing around the time that I run.


  1. Bizarre indeed! No harm in varying the route or time...always better to be safe!

  2. hey so i just remembered i never mailed you a sticker! i am pretty sure i emailed you at your principessa email? i will try to email again though... i am SO sorry it has taken so long. i can still mail you one if you want!

    anyway, as for this dude - WEIRDO. be careful!!
